The reproduction rumble seat hinge spaces are the correct shape. However, they are missing the dimple marks that help to secure the rumble seat hinge to the lower inner trunk triangular rumble seat bracket. In order to recreate the dimpled effect I drew a circular grid and then punched it with a spring loaded center punch.
These spacers are actually riveted to the inner trunk triangular rumble brackets and the serrated spacers help grip the hinge. The back side of the hinges are also serrated to meet the serrations created on the spacers.

And the completed dimpled spacers. I’m slightly perplexed as to what purpose this has because the hinge is bolted to the inner trunk triangular brackets with lock washers and nuts.
Here is a better photo of the rumble seat bracket. You can see where the rectangular hinge spacer will sit.
This is a better photo of an original roadster with the spacer in place and you can actually see the dimples on the spacer.