Its very fortunate that Ed and I are restoring a ’34 Roadster simultaneously. It sure is helpful to share details and discuss various areas of the roadster body. I have not yet installed the cowl wood into the cowl but when I do Ed’s notes (click link below) will be invaluable.

These are the A-Pillar wood support posts. When installed this side will face into the car.
This is the opposite side of the A-Pillar wood support. When they are installed this side will face towards the inside of the cowl.
The piece of wood between the two A-Pillars is the wood that fits across the top of the cowl.
A side profile of the upper cowl wood. These wood pieces will be installed over the next few weeks and I will post additional photos.
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I am in the process of acquiring a 34 phaeton that needs all the wood replaced. You site is very helpful and will be a big plus for the person doing the work.
I’m glad that it will be helpful. Check back often.